Well, what a wash out today has been, I don't just mean in terms of the weather! I'm knackered, very stiff and rather sore and I've spent the day in bed, ignoring the April Austerity and eating what I fancied, out of the cupboard - not ideal, but hmmm..my exhaustion level overrides everything. I am not sure what that is doing to my blood sugar; I'm waiting for the lancets to be delivered in the post.
On top of this, at the back of my mind is the fact that I have a half written essay that needs to be finished and another one that I have not even started; here I am writing this. Never let it be said that I don't know how to delay the inevitable! I'll be back on the austerity wagon tomorrow and hopefully also the essay one as well.
I've just put through an online shop for Tosca to deliver tomorrow evening. I've a little over a week left now and I can't be doing with this back and forth to the shops. Besides, if I can't get dressed, I don't think I should be going to Tosca - unless I'm just the female version of Arthur Dent looking for a decent cuppa?
I can't begin to imagine how some people cope with 'this', when they are not well. I do actually know a couple of other people with no-one around them, whose health is even worse than mine - well, that is kind of a given isn't it? I have to say, this experiment terrifies me in terms of what *could be - say when my lungs fail. Life is definitely a LOT easier when someone else brings your shopping over and you can chose to eat a carrot dipped in houmous, if you feel too tired to cook.. Mum's hopefully buying me a bar stool for my birthday, so I actually have something in the kitchen to sit upon when preparing stuff; it will certainly make days like this a bit easier.
I did spend over the £20 Tosca limit to pick up my £5 off another shop deal. In amongst the shop is stuff like cat litter, cat treats and other bits and bobs and odds and sods for the end of the month. For this month, there's more milk, veggies, some houmous and apples etc. I had already spent 98p the other day getting butter to make the flapjack, so I was down to £9.25. I think I am about £1 over budget, but I shall tot up the actual price when the goods get here. Besides, if I hadn't actually put a shopping order in with them, they'd probably have sent round someone to see if I was ok, I've spent so little this month!
So, what have I learned this month?
1) I really don't need to spend as much as I do on food; I could live perfectly healthily and happily on a bit less. See point two.
2) I don't actually need a lot of the junk food that I nibble one - I nibble on it because it's nice, but I'm going to make an effort not to buy any more biscuits, or crisps. It'll be better for me and I can bake 'healthy' versions of junk. Actually shopping online stops me putting the junk in the trolley!
3) People don't seem to notice when I don't actually put all the sugar in my baking. That's an interesting one, because we all like our scones and cream teas, but I've been regularly putting only ½ the amount required when baking without dried fruit and only ⅓ of the sugar required when dried fruit is added. The flapjack and the chocolate brownies still seem to disappear just the same.
4) I don't like cheap meat and I really, really don't like how animals are kept to make sure it is cheap. Yes, I am a meat-eater. No, this is not going to change. But I do think that the animals have the right to be free-range - properly free range, with shelter and with healthcare that is appropriate for their needs. 'Free-range' isn't always what it is cracked up to be.
5) I really need to get through the stuff in my freezer that I had already prepared for another day; there's about £20 worth of cheese in there too! I can think of a couple of people who would volunteer to help me eat that lot..
6) I don't drink much (I had half a bottle of Becks on New Years Eve) yet I really have fancied a glass of cold wine almost every evening. How odd!