Wednesday, 23 April 2014

April Austerity - Lifetime Lettuce

I saw an article on good 'ol Facebook about growing lettuce without the need for mucky things like soil, digging and seeds.  Basically you shove the base of the lettuce in some water, stick it on a window ledge, change the water daily and wait for the lettuce to grow.  In keeping with the month, I thought it may be a good way to save a little bit of cash; apparently you can expect to achieve 5-6 'lettuces' from one!  This is the first one at about three days.

This is about a week into the lettuce growing experiment.  The second one has just been 'planted' today.  If this actually works, I'll be buying one of those mini plastic greenhouses for the garden and regrowing lots of lettuce, spring onions and having a go at cabbages etc!

Owing to the truckload of lettuce and milk that Tosca sent me in error, I made scones - carrot, courgette, cheese and herb.  They are rather yummy, if I may say so myself and rather economical.  I know, I should post the recipes, but I am essay writing at the moment, so this is what you're getting for now!

Dinner and lunch underneath were a lot more exciting than some of the meals I've eaten this month; with a lot of  extras I haven't had to make a choice between lettuce and cucumber, or deciding whether I save the last inch of carrot for another meal.  I wish Tosca would muck up so spectacularly more often!

Houmous wraps with carrot, lettuce, cucumber, courgette and tomato!  Nice :D

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